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Membership Categories

Corporate Associates / International Associates NFP Partners Sponsorships - April to March (Previously Suppliers & Benefit Partners Individuals Students

Canadian Language industry company

A corporate entity with a registered business in Canada. 

Any non-profit organization working in the language sector or 
International language company
Federal, Provincial, Territorial or Municipal Government organization
Business or consultant who is not working in the language industry,
Business who provides services to companies who work in the language industry
Persons who work in the language industry Full-time university or college students
Registration in the members' directory
Rebate on event attendance fees
25% discount on the insurance program -
Right to display business opportunities online
Right to promote events in the Calendar
Participation in committees and working groups
Voting rights at the annual general meeting

$630 + 15 %  Development fund/ Reserve

$555 + 15% Development fund/Reserve For Sponsorship Information click here $345 + 15% Development Fund/Reserve $50

©2024 Canadian Language Industry Association. All rights reserved.   1-888-510-1148
Web design| Conception du site web :  LarryLevi.com et Translations.CA

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